Package schemadiff

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from typing import Union, List

from graphql import GraphQLSchema as GQLSchema, is_schema

from schemadiff.changes import Change
from schemadiff.diff.schema import Schema
from schemadiff.schema_loader import SchemaLoader
from schemadiff.formatting import print_diff, format_diff
from schemadiff.validation import validate_changes

SDL = str  # Alias for string describing schema through schema definition language

def diff(old_schema: Union[SDL, GQLSchema], new_schema: Union[SDL, GQLSchema]) -> List[Change]:
    """Compare two graphql schemas highlighting dangerous and breaking changes.

        changes (List[Change]): List of differences between both schemas with details about each change
    first = SchemaLoader.from_sdl(old_schema) if not is_schema(old_schema) else old_schema
    second = SchemaLoader.from_sdl(new_schema) if not is_schema(new_schema) else new_schema
    return Schema(first, second).diff()

def diff_from_file(schema_file: str, other_schema_file: str):
    """Compare two graphql schema files highlighting dangerous and breaking changes.

        changes (List[Change]): List of differences between both schemas with details about each change
    first = SchemaLoader.from_file(schema_file)
    second = SchemaLoader.from_file(other_schema_file)
    return Schema(first, second).diff()

__all__ = [




def diff(old_schema: Union[str, graphql.type.schema.GraphQLSchema], new_schema: Union[str, graphql.type.schema.GraphQLSchema]) ‑> List[Change]

Compare two graphql schemas highlighting dangerous and breaking changes.


changes (List[Change]): List of differences between both schemas with details about each change

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def diff(old_schema: Union[SDL, GQLSchema], new_schema: Union[SDL, GQLSchema]) -> List[Change]:
    """Compare two graphql schemas highlighting dangerous and breaking changes.

        changes (List[Change]): List of differences between both schemas with details about each change
    first = SchemaLoader.from_sdl(old_schema) if not is_schema(old_schema) else old_schema
    second = SchemaLoader.from_sdl(new_schema) if not is_schema(new_schema) else new_schema
    return Schema(first, second).diff()
def diff_from_file(schema_file: str, other_schema_file: str)

Compare two graphql schema files highlighting dangerous and breaking changes.


changes (List[Change]): List of differences between both schemas with details about each change

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def diff_from_file(schema_file: str, other_schema_file: str):
    """Compare two graphql schema files highlighting dangerous and breaking changes.

        changes (List[Change]): List of differences between both schemas with details about each change
    first = SchemaLoader.from_file(schema_file)
    second = SchemaLoader.from_file(other_schema_file)
    return Schema(first, second).diff()
def format_diff(changes: List[Change]) ‑> str

Format a list of changes into a printable string

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def format_diff(changes: List[Change]) -> str:
    """Format a list of changes into a printable string"""
    changes = '\n'.join(
        for change in changes
    return changes or '🎉 Both schemas are equal!'
def print_diff(changes: List[Change]) ‑> NoneType

Pretty print a list of changes

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def print_diff(changes: List[Change]) -> None:
    """Pretty print a list of changes"""
def validate_changes(diff: List[Change], rules: List[str], allowed_changes: Dict[str, Any] = None) ‑> ValidationResult

Given a list of changes between schemas and a list of rules, it runs all rules against the changes, to detect invalid changes. It also admits an allowlist of accepted invalid changes to document exceptions to the rules


True if there is at least one restricted change, False otherwise.
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def validate_changes(diff: List[Change], rules: List[str], allowed_changes: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> ValidationResult:
    """Given a list of changes between schemas and a list of rules,
    it runs all rules against the changes, to detect invalid changes.
    It also admits an allowlist of accepted invalid changes to document exceptions to the rules

        bool: True if there is at least one restricted change,
            False otherwise.
    allowed_changes = allowed_changes or {}
    is_valid = True
    errors = []
    rules = ValidationRule.get_subclasses_by_names(rules)
    for change in diff:
        for rule in rules:
            if not rule(change).is_valid():
                if change.checksum() in allowed_changes:

                change.restricted = rule(change).message
                is_valid = False
                errors.append(ValidationError(, change.restricted, change))

    return ValidationResult(is_valid, errors)


class Change

Common interface of all schema changes

This class offers the common operations and properties of all schema changes. You may use it as a type hint to get better suggestions in your editor of choice.

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class Change(ABC):
    """Common interface of all schema changes
    This class offers the common operations and properties of all
    schema changes. You may use it as a type hint to get better
    suggestions in your editor of choice.

    criticality: Criticality = None

    restricted: Optional[str] = None
    """Descriptive message only present when a change was restricted"""

    def breaking(self) -> bool:
        """Is this change a breaking change?"""
        return self.criticality.level == CriticalityLevel.Breaking

    def dangerous(self) -> bool:
        """Is this a change which might break some naive api clients?"""
        return self.criticality.level == CriticalityLevel.Dangerous

    def safe(self) -> bool:
        """Is this change safe for all clients?"""
        return self.criticality.level == CriticalityLevel.NonBreaking

    def message(self) -> str:
        """Formatted change message"""

    def path(self) -> str:
        """Path to the affected schema member"""

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"Change(criticality={self.criticality!r}, message={self.message!r}, path={self.path!r})"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.message

    def to_dict(self) -> dict:
        """Get detailed representation of a change"""
        return {
            'message': self.message,
            'path': self.path,
            'criticality': {
                'level': self.criticality.level.value,
                'reason': self.criticality.reason
            'checksum': self.checksum(),

    def to_json(self) -> str:
        """Get detailed representation of a change as a json string"""
        return json.dumps(self.to_dict())

    def checksum(self) -> str:
        """Get and identifier of a change. Used for allowlisting changes"""
        return hashlib.md5(self.message.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()


  • abc.ABC


Class variables

var criticalityCriticality
var restricted : Optional[str]

Descriptive message only present when a change was restricted

Instance variables

var breaking : bool

Is this change a breaking change?

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def breaking(self) -> bool:
    """Is this change a breaking change?"""
    return self.criticality.level == CriticalityLevel.Breaking
var dangerous : bool

Is this a change which might break some naive api clients?

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def dangerous(self) -> bool:
    """Is this a change which might break some naive api clients?"""
    return self.criticality.level == CriticalityLevel.Dangerous
var message : str

Formatted change message

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def message(self) -> str:
    """Formatted change message"""
var path : str

Path to the affected schema member

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def path(self) -> str:
    """Path to the affected schema member"""
var safe : bool

Is this change safe for all clients?

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def safe(self) -> bool:
    """Is this change safe for all clients?"""
    return self.criticality.level == CriticalityLevel.NonBreaking


def checksum(self) ‑> str

Get and identifier of a change. Used for allowlisting changes

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def checksum(self) -> str:
    """Get and identifier of a change. Used for allowlisting changes"""
    return hashlib.md5(self.message.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
def to_dict(self) ‑> dict

Get detailed representation of a change

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def to_dict(self) -> dict:
    """Get detailed representation of a change"""
    return {
        'message': self.message,
        'path': self.path,
        'criticality': {
            'level': self.criticality.level.value,
            'reason': self.criticality.reason
        'checksum': self.checksum(),
def to_json(self) ‑> str

Get detailed representation of a change as a json string

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def to_json(self) -> str:
    """Get detailed representation of a change as a json string"""
    return json.dumps(self.to_dict())